Monday, January 24, 2011

Still in Colorado

So we are in Montrose still. It feels like we have been here forever but in reality it has been less than a month. Jordin keeps looking for a job anywhere but has not had any luck so far. We went to utah last weekend for a quick interview with a company there and it looks hopeful, but we are really interested in going somewhere we have never been before. But beggars can't be choosers, right? So we should hear from them within the next couple of days and then find out if they offer us a job. We could really use some good news. We were looking at doing a temporary job here that opened up and it would have really helped us out financially but today we found out that they moved the hours that the job was scheduled. And they scheduled it for a Sunday and we agreed that we won't work on Sundays. Man, even though we know it was the right decision, it was such a let down. So now I think I'll look for a job here until we do find a job. Augh. It's just disheartening when you set your mind on something (and feel that it was a blessing) and then it falls through. That's life, i guess.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear an update on your life...hope that everything turns out well!!


It's been a while...

Hello! It's only been over 2 1/2 years since I last posted. Nothing really has changed between then and now... except most everything! :...